Mini - copy review 

Power up your copy fast

Book a short and sweet copy review of your own work by email and video...

Writing copy to promote what you do and attract the right people to your business is haaaard…  Many service providers get lost in a tangle of words and lose sight of what really matters. At worst they leave out the info their people truly need to feel safe enough to spend money with them.

It’s difficult to get that big picture view when you are the one hacking through the brambles. Right? 

I know it. I even got someone to read over the words for this website.

A second pair of eyes on your writing is the quickest and simplest way I know to get back necessary perspective. Suddenly you have copy that speaks the right way to the right people.

Even better it happens without taking a long time, costing a lot of money and without you handing over control of the whole project to someone else.

In my early years as a journalist in national newsrooms my work was daily taken apart and put back together in ways that gave it stronger impact. I soon began to cherish editors who took time to explain the how and why of these re-writes. (As painful as it might have been at the time.)

I learned fast from these critiques. I was able to write better stuff quickly and with waaaay less fretting. And that is what I hope you will get from a copy review with me.

Many business owners tell me they feel the copy they have written for their website could do a better job of attracting clients. They have invested hours and hours writing their copy. Oftentimes they’ve also invested plenty of cash in courses and templates to learn how to write better copy. Yet in the end true improvement comes from doing and getting real-world feedback on what’s actually working and what could be better.

What could really help these folks are some highly focused practical suggestions and tweaks that could change their perspective on what they have written. I figure my real-life suggestions will gift people ideas they can use again and again in the words they write for their business.

How Mini copy review works...

  1. Click download and answer my specially adapted questions about you and your business. 
  2. Return the completed form. Include a link to the page you want to work on or send me your copy in an email.
  3. You will receive an invoice.
  4. Pay in full. Within 10 working days you will get your copy back with notes and a 20 minute audio recording. 

 (If you are under time pressure please let me know and if I am able to turn your draft around more quickly then I will. X)

This is the quickest and simplest way to find out if your draft is doing the job you need it to do.

My review will focus on practical changes to make your copy signal more clearly to your ideal clients: ‘This is what you need’.


  • You have very little experience writing copy. It will probably work better if you have a basic understanding of how copywriting works.
  • You need a whole website review. I could do that for you but 20 minutes is not enough time to cover everything. Please head over to the Maxi service.
  • You have no clear goals for this piece of copy - you need to know what results you want.


  • You have some words already written and want to be sure it’s as good as it can be.
  • You have a clear idea of what job you want this copy to do. That way my tweaks will have the highest impact.
  • You plan to use some of the focused feedback to write better copy forever.

Once the review is done, it’s done. You can stop tapping away at that particular piece of copy. 

Just put it out there to do its work for you while you while you breath out that sigh of a job well done and turn to your next task: sipping a cup of tea gazing into middle distance while you mull over the next steps of your project. You do that right?

If that sounds good to you then let’s get going on polishing your copy.

Get effective words on your website or email list in the most easeful way I know…

Happy to hear from you...

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